
Privacy Policy

Westplex will only collect personal identifiable data if submitted to the website in the about us section.

Westplex will hold this data in confidence internally in the company.

This data will be held on file indefinitely or until such time as Westplex disposes of it in a secure way.

Data will not be disbursed to any other companies or used in any other way other than to contact the individual who submitted the data.  


Terms of use:

By Accessing this website you submit to the terms of use of this website.

Upon Accessing this website Westplex gives you a licence to use this website in any way that you see fit in accordance with thee terms.

Westplex reserves the rights to all Intellectual and Copyrighted material present on this website. 

Westplex does not allow any users of the website to interfere with or otherwise modify any aspect of this website or to allow the facilitation of any third party to interfere with or otherwise modify this website.

Westplex accepts no responsibility for the accuracy of information on this website or any loss or damage that may arise from the use of this website.